Sartharion seems to have little to no lore about himself. We don’t know why it’s so imperative we go wreck his face other than he’s all we have by way of a decent challenge off the PTR and his loot table that only takes about an hour to access, tops, if you kill the other drakes. Otherwise, what’s the point? Why do we care?
I know not everyone is into the RP aspect of the game, and many people shut the quests without reading past the “okay, I need to do what to get what? Got it” (and some not even that much). However, I personally get really confused when we do things just for the sake of purple pixels. I like to think there’s a point.
Well, lore buffs, do you know why? Or is it all just for the loot?
Perhaps it’s just dragon racism.
Sartharion and his Three Musketeers are watching over the eggs of the Twilight Dragonflight ( http://www.wowwiki.com/Twilight_dragonflight ). These are some seriously unpleasant dudes that we do not want gallivanting about Azeroth, so we bring out the good ol' pew-pew and make sure they don't hatch.
Basically, what Neil said.
You remember the Black Dragon that went to talk to the orcs on that place you had to do Netherwing quests? well, Sartharion and the Twilight drakes are the results of that, a cross between Black dragons and Netherdrakes. Basically, another of Nefarian's ploys.
There is a novel called Time of Dragon of something like that that explains the whole thing.
I think it would've been good to have some quests explaining this whole thing, but hey, phat lewt is phat lewt...
Oh, I'd forgotten about that, Neil! But yes, Deathwing is still around with lots of eggs to do horrible things to...
The other thing I've noticed about that area is that there is apparently a Sanctum for each flight in the basement of Wyrmrest. The others are sealed now, but it makes you wonder if Blizz is working on something else for the others.
I kind of hope not, Kayeri wasnt happy about having to take out Malygos, him being an Aspect and all.. Come on, Deathwing has been nutso for millennia and they havent killed him... yet, anyway... :)
Deathwing isn't as crazy as his "brother" Malygos to simply come out and declare war on the mortals, especially having seen both his son and daughter fall at the hands of nobodies. So it'll be quite a while before heroes get to face him... maybe an expansion away.
Sartharion is merely a black dragon, not a twilight dragon. His twilight lieutenants don't think highly of him.
The "Ask a lore nerd" column at wowinsider had a bit about this
It is a bit of a shame. I am in a primarily RP guild, we raid once a week at most (well, we might stretch to two if the raid wants to clean up what it started). Our first LK raid was a 10 man trip to Sartharion, and a lot of us were sat there going 'so why are we here then?'.
Unfortunately, the whole Malygos story, although not as bad as this, as also left flapping in the wind without the build-up it deserved.
Some people are predicting the next 'secret' raid as Grim Batol and Deathwing. If it were so, I hope there is more effort put into that dragon than these. (I don't think it will be though, we need a Troll raid first).
I have been educated by coming here today. I am interested in lore, but don't have as much time to explore as I wish! Thanks!
I's much happier when there's somebody what'll pay me ta do fer the bugger. Makes it easier ta tell the good guys from the bad guys.
"Come on, Deathwing has been nutso for millennia and they havent killed him... yet, anyway... :)"
Actually, the Kirin Tor have killed Deathwing not only once, but twice! He's just come back both times, they don't really know how. o_o
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