At the moment there isn't much grunt work so I do as much as my salary; that is to say, nothing.
However, I'm needing some help on something of my own, and I have something to give you for it!

Now, the problem is...what do I name it? And I had a thought...
I'll ask you guys. 'Cause you're super awesome and I have never done a contest before.
So here's the rules and information!
1) Leave a comment with your entry for Skoll's name
2) Only one suggestion per person.
3) It needs to follow a theme. My hunter's name is "Sugarcake" and all my pets are some sugary treat or addition.
4) I do not repeat pet names. My previous pets have been named: Sprinkles (wolf), Frosting (bear), Coconut (warpstalker), Blueberries (blue plainstrider), Strawberries (silithid), Mint (chimaera), Marmalade (moth), Zebracake (hyena), Licorice (JORMUNGAR), Tart (raptor), Gumdrop (crocolisk, named by BRK himself!).
5) Read the other comments before posting. Do not repeat a suggestion! Think of something else or be faster, sorry!

The person who gives me the name I like best (yeah, you can't really impartially judge this sort of thing) will win a Slashdance loot card! I can scratch it and give you the code or mail it, your preference.
Good luck, have fun, and wrack those noggins!
EDIT: Forgot to say - you have until Thursday at 11:59 PM EST! I'll announce my favorite, and the winner, Friday.
UPDATE: Commenting closed, and now I have the difficult job of choosing the winner. Answer will be up tonight!
Since Skoll looks like a rather cold wolf, I'm tossing Icing out as a name :)
Yes, oops, one suggestion per person. XD
I'll go with PopRocks then.
Good Luck!!
hmmmm how about Butterscotch
I'll go with Macaroon. :)
Jawbreaker :)
no reason, just the first thing that popped into my head.. i didn't see it on your list already :)
gz on getting him :)
Grats on the nice new pet!!
Woo Skoll!!
Even though they are actually more of an orange colour, I like the name.
Ice Cream (you can have two words in the pet name, right?).
I do like Jellybean :)
But I'll suggest Truffle instead, coz they're my favourite!
How about Cotton Candy?
Can't believe you never used EyeCandy before.
How about 'Danish' since Skoll sounds awfully similar to Skaal, the traditional Danish toast!
I like Scone. Especially apple those delicious Pumpikin ones.
FairyFloss (another name for spun sugar, which his mane rather resembles). It could even be blue. :)
The first thing that popped into my head was "PopRocks" but that was mentioned.
Then I thought "Jellybean" but that was likewise taken.
So I'll just go with "Creampuff".
I say "Meringue"
My all time favourite pet name has been Butters since vanilla WoW, but that probably doesn't qualify.
I'll give credit to tracey for FairyFloss, although we call it CandyFloss, since that fur really does look like it. If you're not going for regional flavor though, I'd go with BitterSweet.
...sort of along the lines of he's bitter cold. Or you could go with honeybuns, since I relate that to Sugarcake for some reason, you'll note that this post occurred at 5:30 AM.
My one official entry though is BitterSweet.
Powder, (the movie or powdered sugar) don't know why, he isn't even white.
Peep :)
Cute name for a scary wolf. Oh and sugary!
Alternatively, you could spell it "peeps"
Courtesy of my 6 y/o daughter.
My official entry.... Sugarspun... I dont think it's been listed, although it's been referred to.. :)
New reader here - love it.
My offering: Baklava
Ill go with Shock Tart. Because the pet looks shocking but is sweet once you get to know him. Similar to the candy shockingly sour then a wonderful sweet taste.
All your previous pet's names made me think of Willy Wonka..
Grats on your new pet :D
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