Yeah, I've been meaning to talk to you about that, Bellwether. You see, there's this really awesome Libram-
Yeah, I know, it's great since you've been using Holy Light a lot more!
Yeah, it's great for...wait, what?
Libram of Veracity. Nice spellpower boost, huh?
That's not what I was talking about at all! I want the Strength one!
That's silly. Holy Paladins don't need Strength. Honestly, I don't know what you're thinking sometimes. Probably too many concussions ramming your head against instance portals.

But you're mainly a healer anyway so-
Of course I am! You don't give me upgrades for my DPS set! It's always Holy this and Holy that and wowzers would you look at this shiny Holy thinger we can strap to your thighs for bigger crits. NO. I'm getting the damn Strength Libram once I have enough Emblems and you're gonna have to deal with it.
Your DPS is terrible, though.
Gee, I wonder why. You spend an hour at the target dummy switching around Moonkin gear and gems to get 200 more DPS while I'm exiled to Dalaran's LFG so I can wave about a completely useless, decorative shield and mace in a manner conducive to closing wounds rather than making them. So unless you want me to start practicing on you, the next time I have 25 Emblems of Triumph I AM BUYING THE DAMN STRENGTH LIBRAM!
...Geez, fine, no need to get all touchy.
As the proud owner of a Ret/Holy Paladin, I find this hilarious.
::falling over laughing::
Um, Bell, I would recommend not arguing with Bellbell too much... You are a tree, after all... remember she's got an axe and she's not afraid to use it!
Bahahahaa, I love those moments. >.>
I blew 50 emblems on my druid to get the two idols I needed (the moonkin crit one & my resto spell power one). I've been passing on the 25-man normal set trophies because that essentially put me an entire tier piece behind everyone else...
It is awesome. That strength libram. And the older librams are ... well, not. Go for it!
Yes.....let the hate flow through you....
Wait, what? Button's back?
....who's Button?
Hiya, Button!
Missed you!
Well, just be happy she's not a firemage, you'd be toast, Bellwether ;) Awesome post :)
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