Blog Azeroth was created to facilitate the exchange of information and foster community among Warcraft blog authors. While we all appreciate and thrive upon building our own separate communities of readers and — in some cases, members of the class upon which we have focused — we are all part of the same community. Many of us struggle with the same problems, be it the cumbersome migration from one blog platform to another, knowing what stats are the most helpful, or gold spammers trying to take advantage of a publicly available platform. By sharing what we’ve each learned individually, we increase our collective knowledgebase. And all without having to hunt down an e-mail address or post a comment in an attempt to contact each other!
Is Feral T5 Worth it? - Of Teeth and Claws
A great breakdown of T5 for the feral audience! Seriously.
Beneficial Balance Builds - A Tale of Two Druids
Great for anyone who wants to know how to build a better Balance Boomy.
10+3 Personalities Every Guild Leader Needs Around - World of Matticus
Not only funny, but true!
Shifting Perspectives: Levelling and Talent Specs - WoWinsider (as written by Big Bear Butt Blogger)
And finally, it's time for the feral levelling builds. Moar mangel plz!
Need More Rage - Ratshag
It's...Ratshag. You just...it's Ratshag. Just go read the whole blog. Go. Do it. Technically, this is a whole blog, and I've been reading it for a while, but the whole thing is amazing.
"The human understanding when it has once adopted an opinion (either as being the received opinion or as being agreeable to itself) draws all things else to support and agree with it. And though there be a greater number and weight of instances to be found on the other side, yet these it either neglects and despises, or else by some distinction sets aside and rejects; in order that by this great and pernicious predetermination the authority of its former council may remain inviolate."
-Francis Bacon, The Four Idols
Once people have an opinion, they accept what correlates with it and disregard what does not, no matter who or what may disagree, no matter the facts.
This goes for you too, Boomkins. I'm sorry some people still think of you and "lol." Just cannon-fire their asses and go back to tanking raid bosses while boosting crits and improving your party's dps.
I still love you.