Thursday, July 29, 2010

Beta: Sorry About the Teasing

In all honesty, I have not had any time to play the Beta. I've got some screenshots to share with you, and I'll hopefully be able to log in soon and get some real testing of the new tree done for you (and some frustrated grumblings as I try to walk in it, as well). I can't promise it will be soon, as I have a lot of real life, important, sometime urgent, things to sort out (a temporary move, apartment hunting, getting my first real, career-oriented job, purchasing car insurance for the first time on my own policy...), I will do my best. I'm as curious as you guys, so if there's anything specific you want me to look at, let me know.

So, in the meantime, here are your screenshots!

And hey, if you like Spirit Beasts and/or Hunters, check out the shirts BRK is selling (again, my design).


  1. We love it when you tease us...

    ...or is that just me? ;-)

  2. That last quest looks like the best ever.

  3. Oh, boy, that "save the baby animals" thing is awesome. I'm just imagining giant hulking Worgen warriors rescuing baby bunnies...

  4. Check out my site to stay organized as you go apartment hunting:

    Hopefully, it'll help you be efficient with all this "real world" stuff so you can get to the beta!


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