Thursday, January 31, 2008

Following the Herd

It's time to try this again. There was a community post idea over at BA about what you love about your class. I decided to do it in pictures. Let's conintinue, shall we? Click on the pictures for the larger versions. Silly sayings belong to Alamo, not me.

Druids are friends, kay?Sometimes, we are seals.Overall badassery.That's right, it's dead.
Here I am......rock you like a hurricane!Because one just isn't enough.If you've never jumped off Teldrassil, you've never lived. Okay. You probably lived longer.
Inquiring minds want to know...Bag space? What bag space?Druids like to have fun.Helpful advice!
That's right, bitches. Immune.


  1. Sobs about how some pictures simply will not appear when he's at work.

  2. @dammerung - really?! onoes! D: Suspense will perhaps make it all the better.

  3. @ratshag - I fixed it! I'm sorry :(

  4. /gets his dorf on...

    Brrrilllllliant! :D

  5. Oooh, the pictures are a nice touch.

  6. refresh my memory... in the hurricane screenshot where alk died (tsk, tsk), what addon gives you that HUD display?

    cool photo stream, btw ;)

  7. @kestrel - why, thank you :)

    @pike - I like how they turned out this time around instead of the mess before blogger ate half my pictures. funny how it works out.

    @swiftpaw - /bow

    @harl - I'm allowed to let him die; he's my little brother >.> And it's metaHUD.


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